When it comes to hearing aids, a little TLC can go a long way toward helping them perform their best. Whether your summer includes playing Marco Polo, setting sail, or just catching some sun on the sand, dive into these...
Spring Cleaning: Hearing Aid Edition
Spring cleaning is more than an activity — it’s a mindset. Beyond the dusting, de-cobwebbing, and cleaning behind furniture, what else could benefit from a deep dive? Your hearing technology. The holidays and long winter months can throw even excellent...
5 Tips for Embracing Your Hearing Tech
Just as the road to better hearing can take time — hearing-aid users on average waited a decade-plus after diagnosis before getting hearing technology — it’s natural to need an adjustment period with your new devices. Learning to embrace and...
Does High Humidity Affect My Hearing Aids?
One of the great things about starting your better-hearing journey is that your world is more enjoyable when you can hear all those sounds you’ve been missing. That might also mean you’re getting outside more, possibly exposing your hearing devices...